Shift Your Mindset,
Shift Your World
Mindset is a powerful tool, but creating positive shifts that last takes practice. Just like a daily yoga practice, my 30-day challenge will help you foster useful mindset shifts and habits that will dramatically improve your family dynamics. You will greatly reduce, (if not eliminate) getting frustrated, yelling, and taking away privileges.
We’ll take it
- Commit to prioritizing yourself.
- Start the moment you wake up with some time for you.
- Set intentions for each day.
- Schedule and practice praise and affirmation for your children.
You Can Do This!
We’ll start with the foundation of taking time out for yourself, after all – if you thrive then your family thrives. You’ll build a morning practice of journaling, reflection, and intention setting.
Then, we’ll add on one new micro-habit each day to help you cultivate a routine of appreciation, communication, and affirmation with your family members.
You’ll have my handy guide to help you create your schedule during your challenge-month. Along the way, you’ll receive a daily email with tips and encouragement to help you stay motivated.
Experience the full
30-day challenge for just $49.00
“I absolutely loved the challenge. It had really changed my mindset. I’m actually thinking before just reacting. I have the book, but I really like the morning emails.”
Sara Pacheco
Mother of 3 and a Salon OwnerGet the Help You Need
to Craft the Life You Want
Sign up today to start the path towards powerful mindset shifts.